Medway effective bankruptcy 'very likely'

It is ‘very likely’ that Medway Council will be forced to issue a section 114, a report has warned.

It is ‘very likely' that Medway Council will be forced to issue a section 114, a report has warned.

The council's medium-term financial outlook report estimated the Labour-run administration will face a £39m budget gap in 2024-25 on top of £17m it needs to find for this financial year.

Medway also faces budget gaps of £49m in 2025-26, £65m in 2026-27 and £72m in 2027-28 if current trends continue.

The financial report concluded that the chances of the council having to issue a s114 notice were ‘very likely'.

Medway leader Vince Maple emphasised that the report was ‘just a forecast' and that the council had a 'number of options that we can take in the coming months and years to help address the forecast gap'.


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