Merger proposed to secure financial future

The leader of West Somerset DC has called for his council to merge with Taunton Deane BC to secure the financial future of the authorities.

The leader of West Somerset DC has called for his council to merge with Taunton Deane BC to secure the financial future of the authorities.

Anthony Trollope-Bellew said the budget gap which is predicted to reach £1.2m by 2021 could not be ignored.

The merger, which was agreed by Taunton Deane last month, would cost £6.8m but produce savings of at least £3.1m a year.

West Somerset DC has previously been warned it is not viable unless ‘special measures' are implemented.

Local government minister Marcus Jones has already refused a request for ‘additional resources' from Whitehall and suggested the council instead explored a merger.

The two councils have shared a single officer team since 2013, which has delivered £1.8m savings annually.

Cllr Trollope-Bellew said in a report: ‘Recognising the financial position in which we find ourselves (through no fault of our own) I think it is imperative, and in the best interests of our community, that we take a positive decision to create a new council. 

‘As leader, I recognise this is very difficult – the most difficult decision I have had to take during my many years in local government. 

‘I am confident by proactively delivering this innovative solution for our existing area that we can create a new council that fully represents the interest of the new combined communities.'

West Somerset's full council will meet next month to make a decision.


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