Top MHCLG man to speak at Future Forum

The top official at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is to be a keynote speaker at The MJ’s Future Forum next month.

The top official at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is to be a keynote speaker at The MJ's Future Forum next month.

Jeremy Pocklington has been permanent secretary at MHCLG since March 2020 and was previously director general for housing at the ministry, having begun his Whitehall career at the Treasury.

He joins a star line up of speakers at the 24-hour Future Forum seminar on September 29 and 30, including chief executive of Coventry City Council Martin Reeves, chief executive of new unitary Buckinghamshire Council Rachael Shimmin, head of NHS Providers Chris Hopson, chief executive of think-tank Demos Polly Mackenzie, chief executive of Stockport MBC Pam Smith, and Rob Whiteman and Mark Lloyd, chief executives of respectively the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy and the Local Government Association.

The 24-hour Future Forum will focus on the post-pandemic landscape for local government, with sessions on finance, social care, housing, devolution and the levelling up agenda.

It takes place in Sutton Coldfield and is free for local authority chief executives if they register at futureforum.themj.co.uk


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