Moving to councils a 'positive experience' say public health directors

Most directors of public health have found the move to local authorities a positive experience, according to a professional survey.

Most directors of public health have found the move to local authorities a positive experience, according to a professional survey.

The survey, conducted by the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH), found 68% of directors in England feel very or fairly confident about the move, with just 14% not very or not at all confident.

According to the survey, 80% of councils have a clear vision for public health and just 7% were reported to show no interest or to be actively resistant.

‘These preliminary survey results reflect the feedback that I have been getting from our members over the last few months,' said ADPH president, Dr Janet Atherton.

‘Directors of public health can see real opportunities developing from working in councils, particularly to address the social determinants of health, but councils are facing challenging financial times and it is proving difficult for many directors to recruit the specialist staff they need in their teams to deliver high quality public health,' she added.

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