Norfolk chiefs urge Pickles to make incinerator decision

Leaders of Norfolk CC's main political groups write to communities secretary demanding end to rumours surrounding energy-from-waste plant.

Norfolk CC council chiefs have written to communities secretary Eric Pickles demanding he end their misery and announce a planning decision on the controversial Kings Lynn incinerator.

A cross-party letter co-signed yesterday by the leaders of Norfolk's major political groups stated, urges Mr Pickles to ‘put an end to the uncertainty that surrounds the issue of the £500m Energy from Waste Project'.

‘Norfolk needs to know whether we will have to pay £30m in compensation to the contractors in the event of planning failure, stated the missive co-signed by Norfolk's Labour leader Cllr George Nobbs, Conservative leader and chairman of the environment and waster scrutiny panel, Cllr Beverley Spratt and Lib Dem deputy leader James Joyce.

The letter further adds that the absence of any clear reason or explanation for the delay in announcing the decision – which Mr Pickles himself pledged would have been given by 14 January 2014 – risks damaging Norfolk's taxpayers and public faith in democracy.

Jonathan Werran

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