Northern council chiefs call for devolution of powers to solve 'railway fiasco'

A coalition of northern local government leaders has called for full powers governing the management of all rail infrastructure to be handed to the region.

A coalition of northern local government leaders has called for full powers governing the management of all rail infrastructure to be handed to the region.

In an open letter, 71 council and business leaders told the Government that in light of the the recent ‘railway fiasco' Transport for the North (TfN) should have full control over the region's railways.

They said this would enable the region to ‘take control of its own destiny'.

The letter read: ‘The failure of Northern Rail to be ready for the new timetables, the delays to the completion of engineering works by Network Rail and the lack of Government action have led to this debacle.

‘We now call on the Government to address it by granting Transport for the North (TfN) full powers to manage all northern infrastructure.

‘Only by TfN being accountable for the performance of Network Rail and the train companies can the north truly take control of its own destiny.

‘Without greater authority TfN will not be able to supervise delivery of the north's first strategic transport plan and avoid repeats of the current fiasco.'

The letter's signatories, who include Manchester City Council leader Sir Richard Leese and North Yorkshire CC leader Carl Les, also warned the railways in the north were not good enough to attract investment in the region.

They continued: ‘Even when things return to normal, the railways across the Northern Powerhouse region are not good enough to attract investment and increase productivity at the pace required to ensure we become an equal partner in the UK economy.'


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