Northern Powerhouse devolution could create 850,000 jobs

New technologies, infrastructure and investment could help transform the north of England’s economy, according to an independent review.

New technologies, infrastructure and investment could help transform the north of England's economy, according to an independent review.

The Northern Powerhouse Independent Review, which was published today, estimates that 1.56m new jobs could be created in the region by 2050 if the right investment, focus and infrastructure improvements are put into four key sectors – advanced manufacturing, digital development, health and energy.

According to the report, half of these new jobs – 850,000 - would be directly attributable to the Northern Powerhouse devolution programme.

The north still lagged behind the rest of the UK in terms of productivity and jobs, the report found.

It currently produces £22,000 less per person in terms of gross value added than London despite having twice as many people than the capital.

Northern Powerhouse minister James Wharton said the Government was committed to ‘bringing together the great cities and towns of the North'.

‘This will establish priorities around transport connections across and to the north, skills and employment, trade and investment, innovation and science and - where appropriate - housing to ensure the north can live up to its full potential,' said Manchester City Council leader, Sir Richard Leese. 

‘The prevailing economic uncertainty following the EU referendum result makes it even more essential that northern cities are given the tools and investment to work together to create the jobs and opportunities the region needs and help rebalance the nation's economy.'


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