Once upon a place...

Susan Parsonage says the stories local leaders tell have tremendous power to remind us of our common purpose of transforming lives and places.

When unpacking boxes following my recent house move to Wokingham, I came across some of my early presentations from my first 12 months at Lancaster City Council in 2016. These set out a narrative about my impressions of the area, and what I saw as the way forward for the council and for Lancaster as a place.

Reflecting now, I realise most of my initial conversations with staff and partners were very much about the story of Lancaster, my perspective as a newcomer, and my listening to stories about the history and potential of the area. This sharing of stories enabled me to connect with staff and partners through our common passion for improving Lancaster as a place to live, work and visit. The sincerity of these shared stories and perspectives was critical in helping to build trust and a sense of shared purpose.


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