Pickles orders further diktats on rewarding chief officers

Communities secretary Eric Pickles has vowed to end the chief executive salary ‘gravy train’ by ordering civil servants to produce guidance on greater scrutiny for local government senior officer pay and performance bonuses.

Communities secretary Eric Pickles has vowed to end the chief executive salary ‘gravy train' by ordering civil servants to produce guidance on greater scrutiny for local government senior officer pay and performance bonuses.

His comments follow publication of the Government's response to the recommendations of report on senior salaries by a panel of MPs.

In its response to the Commons communities and local government Committee's report into local government chief officers' remuneration, the Government supported the MPs' view pay decisions should be tailored to local needs.

The Government response also approved the recommendation the Local Government Association should seek feedback from its members as to whether there is a gap in the data about the ability of councils to recruit and retain suitable candidates.

Jonathan Werran

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