Podcast: COP26CAST

As global governments meet in Glasgow for COP26, join The MJ and Local Partnerships for our series of Podcasts on what it all means for local government.

As global governments meet in Glasgow for COP26, join The MJ and Local Partnerships for our series of Podcasts on what it all means for local government.

Episode One:

What should local authorities look out for in the run up to the summit?  We are joined by:

  • Jo Wall, Local Partnerships
  • Paul Matthews, Monmouthshire County Council
  • Martin Reeves, Coventry City Council
  • Susan Halliwell, West Berkshire
  • Sean Hanson, chief executive of Local Partnerships

COP26CAST episode #1 - The MJ and LP from Local Partnerships on Vimeo.

Episode Two:

Breaking down what the first week of COP26 means for local government. We are joined by:

  • Sharon Kemp, chief executive of Rotherham MBC and Solace lead of climate change
  • Carol Cully, deputy chief executive of Manchester City Council, and 
  • Felix Chow-Kambitsch, economist and consultant at Aurora Energy Research
  • Jo Wall, Local Partnerships
  • Sean Hanson, chief executive of Local Partnerships

COP26CAST episode #2 from Local Partnerships on Vimeo.

Episode Three:

What we have learned from the COP, and what it will mean for local government? We are joined by: 

  • Becky Shaw, chief executive at East and West Sussex County Councils, 
  • Cllr Kevin Frea, deputy leader and cabinet member for climate action at Lancaster City Council, 
  • Tom Riordan, chief executive of Leeds City Council, 
  • Ben Still, chief executive at West Yorkshire Combined Authority, 
  • Barry Quirk, chief executive at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, 
  • Chitra Nadarajah, strategic manager for climate change at Hampshire CC and 
  • Louise Marix Evans from Quantum Strategy.

COP26CAST episode #3 from Local Partnerships on Vimeo.


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