Reasons to be cheerful – local government reputation is improving

A new poll shows that residents are more positive about their local council than they were at the start of the year...

Comparing January to July satisfaction with refuse collection has gone from 73% to 80%, with only 15% of residents now saying that they are dissatisfied with the service. The real issue for the public is road maintenance with over half (55%) dissatisfied with the quality of this service. The July poll shows for the first time national benchmarks on satisfaction with a range of other services from libraries (67%), pavement maintenance (52%) to services and support for vulnerable children and young people (51%) and adults (43%).  These are all services which are not only important to understanding how people feel about their council, they are the most likely to feel the impact of any cuts to spending.  Considering the relatively small proportion of residents in a local area that is likely to use services for vulnerable people it is worth noting that the majority of the population give a view.  Only around one in five say they "don't know" in terms of rating these services.


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