Redbridge in catcalling first

Redbridge LBC has become the first local authority in London to issue a fixed penalty notice for sexual harassment.

Redbridge LBC has become the first local authority in London to issue a fixed penalty notice for sexual harassment.

The £100 fine was issued using a public spaces protection order (PSPO) to enforce against catcalling and harassment.

Redbridge enforcement officers witnessed the harassment and detained the man responsible with the help of the police.

The leader of Redbridge and London Councils' executive member for crime and public protection, Jas Athwal, said: ‘We are the first council in London using our public spaces protection order to enforce against catcalling and harassment. 

‘This fine is a strong start and will serve as a statement of intent.

'We will not tolerate harassment of women and girls, and will target those men who do not heed this warning.

'We're reclaiming our streets for our local communities and ending the culture of misogyny that starts with harassment and escalates to violence.'

The PSPO was initially created to empower council enforcement officers to fine people soliciting sex.

Redbridge's cabinet member for crime, safety and community cohesion, Khayer Chowdhury, added: ‘Women and girls have an absolute right to walk our streets without being catcalled and harassed by men and, working with the police, we are showing zero tolerance.'


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