Yesterday, I spent a crisp, blue New Year's day strolling through Hyde Park. Today has seen the return of the grey skies, and the return to work, with 2013 stretching before us.
I have had the same New Year's resolution for many years: not to make any New Year's resolutions. As far as I am concerned, resolve comes with the spring sunshine, and the dark days of January will need comfort food and a large duvet to see you through.
Local government, however, doesn't have the luxury of waiting for the seasons to change before it does. The whole of 2012 saw a shake up that shows no signs of abating.
What should local government's New Year's resolution be? Last year saw Eric Pickles put the sector on a diet – but it was more to do with starvation that getting fit, lean and healthy.
So 2013 should be the year the sector decides to stop yo-yo dieting, and come up with a sustainable long-term plan to stay healthy.
And what about long-term prospects? Local government needs to come up with a career plan to start earning itself more cash to become solvent in the future – starting with building the economic base locally.
Finally, I suggest the sector needs to work on some self-esteem issues and resolve not to be pushed around by central government.
What would your local government resolutions be?