Return on investment – the next frontier in city climate action

More than 30 cities in six countries including Cambridge, Coventry and Dundee are using a new software platform to model different ways to meet their climate targets. Tomer Shalit explains.

Cities are central to our fight against climate change. They are responsible for more than 70% of all carbon emissions and at high risk from the climate impacts these emissions are causing, with floods, hurricanes and heatwaves causing devastation worldwide. More than 11,600 cities globally with a billion people have already recognised the need to take action and joined the Global Covenant of Mayors, the largest alliance for city climate leadership. A growing number have set ambitious net zero targets.

But the wholesale decarbonisation of a city is something that has never been done before and the challenge is absolutely enormous. There's no lack of ideas - cities are swamped with initiatives, proposals and reports - but it is increasingly difficult to see how they are linked and what the consequences might be - to get the whole picture.


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