Returning to work

Catherine Kift calls on councils to invest time and resources helping senior managers who have been out of work for a while to rebuild their skills and capabilities.

Towards the end of last year, the Government Equalities Office launched the Career Break Returner programmes – schemes designed to help employers support people back into the workplace, following substantial time off. The scheme addresses on-going concerns that organisations are falling short here, failing to put in place the necessary structures and systems to effectively re-integrate individuals after a career break.

Without adequate support for those who have spent time away from the workplace- whether for childcare, study, travel or even military service- employers risk missing out on a valuable talent pool. At a time when local government is under increasing strain to deliver new service models and adopt innovative partnership approaches, the need to attract the right talent is more intense than ever. Investing time and resources into returners, with known skills and capability, can pay dividends in terms of time and resource efficiencies. This is particularly pertinent when it comes to filling senior leadership roles, where talent shortage can be paralysing.


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