Rochdale in second attempt to boost chief's salary

Rochdale MBC’s employment committee recommends £30k phased in salary hike for chief executive - following previous controversy.

Rochdale MBC's employment committee has recommended that current boss Jim Taylor should receive a phased in £30,000 salary boost - a move certain to reignite local controversy over chief executive pay hikes.

A meeting of Rochdale's Employment Committee last night suggested Mr Taylor's current £145,000 salary be extended incrementally by £7,500 each year over five years until he attained a £175,000 wage-deal.

The recommendation will be considered next month at a meeting of Rochdale's Full council and follows the decision in October to postpone a planned £40,000 pay rise for Mr Taylor following local controversy.

This followed an independent review by consultants the Hay Group which advised a salary increase would bring Mr Taylor's wage level into line with other chief executives in the Greater Manchester area.

The Employment Committee also recommended pay awards be made for a number of Rochdale's senior management including the deputy chief executive, directors of finance and economy and environment.

Jonathan Werran

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