Employer: Chiltern District Council
Salary: Package to £58k+ Final Salary Pension + Benefits/Removals
Closing Date: 7 October, 2011.
Wycombe and Chiltern District Council have embarked on a major project to jointly tender their contracts for Waste and Recycling services, with the aim of making significant financial savings for both Councils. Fundamental to the success of the project is the establishment of a joint client team, based at Chiltern as host authority.
The Job:
This is a new senior management post delivering a waste collection programme to two communities and their councils both of which have high expectations. The post will provide stimulus and challenge from Day One. You will initially help establish then lead the transition to the integrated joint client team, including a managed reduction in staff numbers. You and your team will "manage out" existing contractual arrangements at both councils whilst "managing in" the new contract.
The Person:
To deliver success in both the launch period and in the longer term, you will need a sound basis of substantial experience in the Waste/Recycling industry, plus a relevant qualification. Your career to date should demonstrate successful delivery of projects, service transformation, customer-focused service delivery and the development of productive working relationships, both internally and with partners.
If you believe you meet our requirements and believe you would enjoy delivering the role, download the Recruitment Pack from our website. Or contact us for a hard copy at Personnel, Chiltern District Council, King George V Road, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 5AW. Tel: (01494) 732155 (24 hours). Please quote reference: 22110
Closing Date: 7th October 2011.