At your service

People-based public services are the way forward and local authorities need to embrace the concept, argues Adam Fineberg

Now that the dust has settled on the issue of business rates, it is clear that the overall growth, devolution and combined authorities agenda has a clearer context in terms of local administration and provision.

The Treasury papers on Productivity in the UK, specifically the fourth paper in the series The local dimension called for a single local strategic body to ensure that the value of local public expenditure was captured for the benefit of economic growth. The Cabinet Office's Improving the prospects of people living in areas of multiple deprivation in England review called for an economic driver in local efforts for regeneration. The Lyons Inquiry into Local Government, specifically its extended remit and focus on the role of local authorities in fostering local economic called for an economic stewardship locally driving the ‘place-shaping' agenda. I'm now advising the current government on this agenda.

Adam Fineberg

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