'Shocking' number of children in care far from home

A ‘shocking’ number of children are being moved into care far from their communities, according to a charity.

A ‘shocking' number of children are being moved into care far from their communities, according to a national charity.

Become said children were being moved to places they do not know - often without warning - far away from family, friends, school and community.

The average child in care in England is placed more than 18 miles from home and some are moved more than 500 miles from their communities.

Become said an increasing number were being moved far away because of a lack of suitable places in their area, compounding the trauma they have already experienced.

It called on the Government and local authorities to commit to stop children being placed miles from home.

Become's chief executive officer Katharine Sacks-Jones said: ‘It's unacceptable that children are being moved away not because it's the right decision for them, but because there are no suitable options closer.

'It cannot continue.'


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