
Now that the annual party conference season is over, Claire Kober says it's time to reflect on what policy commitments have been made. She argues the 'overwhelming emphasis on Brexit seems to have left public policy on the backbenches'.

As we reach the end of the annual party conference season, let's reflect on what policy commitments have been made. If, as most readers of The MJ do, you believe the more serious and considered journalists, it seems the party of power has lost focus on the domestic agenda. The overwhelming emphasis on Brexit  - in terms of both spending, speeches and promises that the future will be better - seems to have left public policy on the backbenches.

Regardless of which party is in power, central Government is fond of talking up the quest for joined-up government. But, as those of us charged with delivering public services on the ground know too well, the rhetoric rarely lives up to the reality. 


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