The South East can deliver just when the UK needs it most

Productivity in the South East is the same as it was a decade ago, says David Covill. It’s a trend that needs to be reversed, he argues.

The South East of England is crucial to the success of the UK economy.  It's been that way for many hundreds of years of course, not because governments, monarchs or commissions have had in their power to dictate where trade goes, but because the South East has inherent strengths including location.  The problem is that complacency can set in; it is assumed that the South East can take care of itself and the money it contributes to the economy will continue to flow.

As well as avoiding complacency, the UK must play to its strengths.  At any time over the last decade Apple could have cut back investment in the iPhone on the basis that sales are already pretty good, accepting the risk that its overseas competitors might take advantage.  Of course Apple didn't do that, but continued to invest and find new ways to generate income from its strongest asset. 


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