Starmer will now need to face down housing activists

Labour is going to have to upset the same voters that it bent over backwards to reassure in the run up to the General Election, if it is going to get anywhere near its targets, says Ben Page

New housing (c) Clare Louise Jackson

As the new Government starts to make decisions, local government waits with bated breath. The Budget may tell us more. How much has really changed? There are more devolution deals, but will there be any more money in any meaningful way?

The 1.5 million new homes Labour has promised – around 25,000 every month for the rest of this parliament – looks punchy. Local authorities are pleased with multi-year funding settlements proposed but clear direction, and a larger, well-trained planning workforce are fundamental. The building industry itself would like some skilled extra workers so it can double its output as well – this extra capacity will not be switched on overnight – making the targets even tougher.

Ben Page

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