Stormont criticised for proposal to cut £20m in rates support

Northern Ireland local authority leaders have criticised an ‘anti-investment’ proposal to cut nearly £20m of support from Stormont.

Northern Ireland local authority leaders have criticised an ‘anti-investment' proposal to cut nearly £20m of support from Stormont. 

A budgetary briefing paper from the Northern Ireland devolved Department of Finance has floated the idea of removing the Rates Support Grant, which hands £17.6m to councils.

But the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) estimates the fund leverages £183m per year into the private sector and social economy.

NILGA president, Alderman Arnold Hatch, said: 'We understand that this is just a proposal at present and not a settlement, but the fact that it is being highlighted at this early stage is extremely worrying.

‘Any scrapping or even reduction in this fund will have a significant impact on service delivery right across Northern Ireland.'

Chief executive of NILGA, Derek McCallan, added: ‘It is illogical that an investment pot such as the Rates Support Grant, which has been proven to create up to 10 times the original sum, is even being put forward [for cuts].

‘Arguably, this is both short-sighted in terms of sustainable local government and anti-investment in terms of enterprise creation.'


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