Sutton joins Richmond in opposition to planning changes

Sutton LBC joins south London neighbour, Richmond-upon-Thames LBC, in rejecting Government proposals to relax planning regulations.

Liberal Democrat-run Sutton LBC has joined its south London neighbour, flagship Conservative-run Richmond-upon-Thames LBC, in voicing opposition to Government plans to relax planning regulations.

The call comes ahead of next week's Liberal Democrat Party conference in Brighton, where delegates will demand the Coalition rejects the nine-point ‘housing and growth' plan issued earlier this month by communities secretary Eric Pickles.

On Tuesday members of Richmond-upon-Thames LBC unanimously agreed a cross-party motion backing the Local Government Association's rejection of the government's claim the planning system is stifling economic growth, and also opposing the new proposals to extend permitted development rights and remove affordable housing requirements from developers.

In a statement issued today, deputy leader of Richmond-upon-Thames LBC, Cllr Geoffrey Samuel, said government proposals would exasperate the situation, leaving neighbours powerless over large extensions endangering privacy and the value of homes.

Neighbouring Sutton LBC is now warning local businesses and homeowners to think twice before building an extension without checking if planning permission is required.

Leader of Sutton Council, Cllr Ruth Dombey said: ‘These proposals are a recipe for disaster.  They have not been properly thought through.

‘If this is allowed to happen it will set neighbour against neighbour and split communities for years to come,' added Cllr Dombey.

Cllr Jayne McCoy, chair of Sutton LBC's housing, economy and business committee said: ‘It would be desperately premature to start any building project without checking whether planning permission is required on the basis of this announcement.
‘There is no evidence that this will do anything to promote economic growth and I strongly advise that anyone considering a project seeks advice, otherwise it could prove very costly.'

Jonathan Werran

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