Kober amendment secures Westminster support

By Mark Conrad | 21 November 2017

Westminster City Council has insisted it fully supports plans for a London-wide business rates re...


Progress on business rates relief

By Mark Conrad | 15 November 2017

More than 200 councils have now reissued business rates bills in accordance with the Government’s...


Fresh inquiry over business rates

By Chris Mahony | 07 November 2017

The Communities and Local Government Committee has launched a fresh inquiry into the implementati...


Hammond urged to overturn rates rise

By Chris Mahony | 07 November 2017

Business lobby groups are urging chancellor Philip Hammond to overturn an ‘unconscionable’ 3.9% r...


MPs enlist assistance to interpret funding review

By Dan Peters | 02 November 2017

MPs have commissioned consultancy LG Futures to help them understand more about the fair funding ...


MPs seek more information on council finance

By Dan Peters | 25 October 2017

MPs have commissioned consultancy LG Futures to help them understand more about the fair funding ...


Black: Barclay Review was missed opportunity

By Dan Peters | 25 October 2017

Scotland’s Barclay Review into business rates was a ‘missed opportunity’ that did not go far enou...


A welcome step towards more financial control?

By Sheila Little | 25 October 2017

With the paused business rates retention steering board and working groups resuming, Sheila Littl...


EXCLUSIVE: DCLG to offer 'no detriment' clause to all pilots

By Dan Peters | 25 October 2017

The Department for Communities and Local Government has decided to offer all business rates reten...


Rates pilots fuelling fears of two-speed 'unfair' approach

By Dan Peters | 18 October 2017

The County Councils’ Network (CCN) has warned the Government’s approach to the business rates ret...