The Budget reaffirms the need for fiscal freedom

By Bob Neill | 14 March 2017

Bob Neill examines the details of the chancellor’s Budget and looks at why local government needs...


We need to talk about the state of the state

By Heather Jameson | 14 March 2017

We are trying to pay for public services with a tax system based on property and full-time employ...


Ringfenced grant will help bridge gap

By Sam Clayden | 14 March 2017

Failing to acknowledge deprivation levels and the health of the pop-ulation when devising the bus...


Setting a strategy for the finance revolution

By Jo Killian | 09 March 2017

Local authorities must not wait for further details on business rates retention before developing...


Budget 2017: Chancellor announces rescue package for care

By Heather Jameson | 08 March 2017

Chancellor Philip Hammond unveiled his final Spring Budget, offering a £2bn cash boost for social...


Budget 2017: Hammond announces £435m business rate package

By Sam Clayden | 08 March 2017

Local authorities will be able to access a £300m fund in order to ease business rate revaluation ...


Gearing up for the rate debate

By James Maker | 08 March 2017

James Maker outlines the importance of county authorities in achieving a balanced business rate s...


How business rate reforms will hit councils

By David Phillips | 08 March 2017

David Phillips examines the drawbacks of proposed reforms to the business rates system


The revaluation row is a harbinger of controversies to come

By Michael Burton | 08 March 2017

Michael Burton warns revaluation raises wider questions as to whether the current incentive to in...


Councils may lose out on growth after 100% rates retention

By Mark Conrad | 08 March 2017

Councils on the cusp of redistribution thresholds after 100% business rates retention could be di...