Local government reorganisation could lead to a sector brain drain, senior figures have warned.
Poor behaviour among councillors and officers is getting worse, according to a survey by senior o...
Croydon LBC is lobbying the Government to write off its debt despite suggestions a decision will ...
A council judged to have harassed and discriminated against one of its directors has confirmed it...
Camden LBC’s chief executive Jenny Rowlands has announced she is to leave the council.
Luton BC’s chief executive Robin Porter has announced he is to step down from the role.
Niall Bolger has announced he is to stand down as chief executive of Hounslow LBC.
Almost half of council chief executives have taken up their roles in the last three years, resear...
HMRC has said it does not hold data on employers National Insurance Contribution (NIC) payments r...
Jillian Kay is expected to be appointed as permanent chief executive at Southampton City Council.
As the Music Service Manager for North Yorkshire Council, you will work across the educational system in North Yorkshire Apply for this job
There is a service expectation to work a minimum of 2 days a week in a local office. Apply for this job
We are looking for a go-getting dynamic person to lead our Home Improvement Agency Apply for this job
As the Music Service Manager for North Yorkshire Council, you will work across the educational system in North Yorkshire Apply for this job
There is a service expectation to work a minimum of 2 days a week in a local office. Apply for this job
We are looking for a go-getting dynamic person to lead our Home Improvement Agency Apply for this job