Exceptional Financial Support (EFS) worth more than £1.5bn has been granted to 30 councils.
Councils in Wales are to see an average funding increase of 4.3%, following the announcement of t...
Leicestershire CC has drawn up proposals for reorganisation that exclude neighbouring Rutland.
Victorious councillors in next year’s postponed elections could serve for just 12 months before f...
Jo Walker has been announced as the new chief executive of Gloucestershire CC.
Local government has called for a resolution to the issue of Special Educational Needs and Disabi...
Changes to financial rules that could unlock funds for council investment in social housing are t...
Reform of how elections are run is needed now ‘more than ever’, according to a new report.
Delayed elections to councils set for reorganisation could still take place ahead of the formatio...
An overhaul of procurement processes has been announced by the Government in a bid to revitalise ...
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