Our residents are real self-isolation heroes – and leading our county's recovery

By Professor Jim McManus | 01 April 2021

Hertfordshire’s recent Self-Isolation Support Day showed a very high proportion of residents clea...


What next for placemaking? A checklist for local leadership teams

By David Marlow | 01 April 2021

A new paper lays out an agenda for local economic renewal post COVID and Brexit, along with seven...


Councils taking 'too long' to pay support grants to businesses

By William Eichler | 01 April 2021

The Government has written to the leaders of 314 councils in England urging them to pay out grant...


HMJ: Place-based working is here to stay

By Ewan King | 31 March 2021

Ewan King considers whether the Health and Care White Paper will really be the key to unleashing ...


MPs call for government to 're-commit' to Everyone In

By Martin Ford | 31 March 2021

Councils ‘can and should’ provide accommodation for all homeless people, a report by MPs has conc...


Government's face off is virtual insanity

By Heather Jameson | 31 March 2021

Central Government has ruled out extending the power to have virtual council meetings beyond the ...


'Everyone needs a coach'

By Dawar Hashmi | 31 March 2021

Dawar Hashmi discusses the importance of coaching, regardless of what level you work at, and how ...


Let's see what happens on longer-term funding

By Lorna Baxter | 31 March 2021

Lorna Baxter gave evidence at the Public Accounts Committee in response to the NAO report on loca...


Creating an imagining culture

By Professor Donna Hall | 30 March 2021

Building ‘a more open, transparent, free-thinking culture where imagination thrives within our te...


Harnessing effective comms – the Hounslow way

By John Dale | 30 March 2021

The part played by Hounslow LBC’s communications team in ensuring residents were effectively made...


Executive Director (Place)


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Nottinghamshire County Council

Head of Integrated Commissioning & System Development

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Royal Borough of Greenwich

Director of Resources


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Executive Director (Place)


Premium jobNottinghamshire is a great place to live and work. Apply for this job

Nottinghamshire County Council

Head of Integrated Commissioning & System Development

£67,290 - £70,710

As a borough we are determined to provide outstanding physical and mental health and care services. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Director of Resources


Help us improve the quality of town life for all generations. Apply for this job

Chippenham Town Council