Speak up! Making the case for devolved infrastructure funding

By Sir John Armitt | 27 March 2019

This week's launch of the National Infrastructure Commission's Next Steps for Cities programme ro...


Local income tax best bet for fiscal devo - IFS

By Heather Jameson | 21 March 2019

Local income tax would be the best option for fiscal devolution if the Government wanted to hand ...


The problem solvers

By Nickie Aiken | 21 March 2019

Cllr Nickie Aitken says it is time for the sector to stop pleading poverty and start working on s...


A taxing problem

By Heather Jameson | 21 March 2019

Heather Jameson looks at the latest report from the IFS’s Local Government Finance Commission, wh...


Let's trial fiscal devolution in areas like Westminster

By Heather Acton | 14 March 2019

Westminister has seen England's biggest fall in children's services budgets since 2010. Cllr Heat...


Spending Review launch dependent on securing Brexit deal

By Laura Sharman | 13 March 2019

Chancellor Philip Hammond has announced he plans to launch a full three-year Spending Review befo...


Call for place-based Spending Review

By Dan Peters | 07 March 2019

The Treasury should develop a new national place-based Spending Review, the independent Royal Soc...


NLGN in fresh fiscal devolution call

By Chris Mahony | 26 February 2019

Only full fiscal devolution with comprehensive tax-raising powers at a local level will deliver t...


Think-tanks float extra council tax flexibility

By Michael Burton | 11 February 2019

Local government faces another period of tough budget settlements but could be granted more freed...


Truss backs fiscal devolution

By Dan Peters | 08 February 2019

Chief secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss, has given her backing to further fiscal devolution.