Corridors of power: Article 50

28 March 2017

Oh dear, the prime minister’s timetable has slipped and she has invoked Article 50 on 1 April …


It's time to play

28 March 2017

Diary brings you news of two local government competitions this week.


Skeleton crew

22 March 2017

Upon receiving a press release on the ‘bones of Croydon,’ Diary assumed it was referencing the re...


White Van Man on . . . triggering Article 50

22 March 2017

So the starting gun’s been fired and we’re off and out as far away from bleeding Brussels as we can.


Who are you?

22 March 2017

Diary knows a thing or two about local government, knows exactly how councillors tick and, betwee...


What's on the box?

14 March 2017

Times are tight for local government and we all know selling off assets is a great way of getting...


Crisis? What crisis?

14 March 2017

Diary is worried because it keeps reading about crises that appear to be engulfing almost every f...


The Great Wall of Croydon

08 March 2017

Diary got wind of an interesting development for local democracy at a public meeting in Croydon l...


Miller's regal roar

08 March 2017

It will come as no surprise to The MJ readers that SOLACE president Jo Miller broke with protocol...


A beastly amount of dosh

08 March 2017

What do the Krays, Emma Watson and Downton Abbey have in common?


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Legal Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

£52,381 - £54,523 per annum (pay award pending)

Mansfield District Council is offering an exciting opportunity for an experienced Lawyer. Apply for this job

Mansfield District Council

Assistant Director of Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement

£63,391 - £70,094 per annum (pay award pending)

Our corporate vision is to be a dynamic, self sufficient and flexible Council that delivers excellent services Apply for this job

Bolsover District Council

Director of Culture, Leisure, and Tourism

£101,916 & benefits

Southend-on-Sea is a place like no other. Apply for this job

Southend-on-Sea City Council