When the jury is still out

By John Stewart | 01 August 2007

In ‘Brown’s constitutional challenge’ (The MJ, 21 June), we put forward tests to assess Gordon B...


Comparing Lyons to Layfield

By John Stewart | 12 April 2007

The Lyons report is a major contribution to the development of local government in the 20th centu...


Hello to the bye-laws

By John Stewart | 28 February 2007

New powers to enact bye-laws without Whitehall permission could be a boon to local authorities’ ‘...


Making friends and influencing people

By John Stewart | 10 January 2007

No-one has explained why it was essential to issue the White Paper on local government in October.


Free the mayoral chains

By John Stewart | 20 December 2006

The Government is pushing for directly-elected mayors – and there is talk of directly-elected cab...


Putting a dampener on structure

By John Stewart | 13 December 2006

Few have commented on the local government White Paper’s new option for political structures – th...


Will they learn to listen?

By John Stewart | 08 November 2006

George Jones and John Stewart welcome the Local Government White paper


Bevan's U-turn

By John Stewart | 26 September 2006

In 1954, Labour’s pioneer of the NHS, Aneurin Bevan, wrote an article in the-then Municipal Journ...


Held to accountability

By John Stewart | 11 September 2006

George Jones and John Stewart – who were on the original Layfield Committee looking into local go...


Deputy Director, Children & Families

£120,455 (plus £5,483 car allowance)

This is a critical role, supporting the Director to lead the team through an exciting programme of change and improvement Apply for this job

Staffordshire County Council

Assistant Director, Family Help & Safeguarding

£95,083 - £99,735 (plus car allowance £4,395)

We want children and young people to live in homes and environments where they are safe and close to loved ones. Apply for this job

Staffordshire County Council

Assistant Director, Children in Care & Care Leavers

£95,083 - £99,735

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Staffordshire County Council


Deputy Director, Children & Families

£120,455 (plus £5,483 car allowance)

This is a critical role, supporting the Director to lead the team through an exciting programme of change and improvement Apply for this job

Staffordshire County Council

Assistant Director, Family Help & Safeguarding

£95,083 - £99,735 (plus car allowance £4,395)

We want children and young people to live in homes and environments where they are safe and close to loved ones. Apply for this job

Staffordshire County Council

Assistant Director, Children in Care & Care Leavers

£95,083 - £99,735

We take our responsibilities as a corporate parent incredibly seriously and in this role, you will too! Apply for this job

Staffordshire County Council