Changes to the pension rules could ease the pressure on senior recruitment in local government, s...
There are no easy fixes to the financial challenge councils face, but long-term funding is helpin...
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is investigating how a huge bla...
Female Camden LBC employees receive a quarter less from their pensions than male employees on ave...
The new boss of the London collective investment vehicle (CIV) pooling Local Government Pension S...
An independent expert has accused the big consultants of ‘group-think’ as he called for more Loca...
The vast majority of Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) fund professionals would like to incr...
There is no case for increased public spending despite better-than-forecast borrowing figures, ac...
One of local government’s biggest joint pension partnerships has now pooled more than three-quart...
A senior local government pensions figure has called for the sector to bring more assets into poo...
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