The chief executive of the Centre for Cities think-tank, Alexandra Jones, has been hired to head ...
Spelthorne BC chief executive Roberto Tambini has announced his intention to retire at the end of...
The chief executive of Hammersmith & Fulham LBC will part company with the council in a move that...
Bury MBC has suspended its chief executive, Mike Owen, pending the full outcome of an independent...
Croydon LBC has announced the appointment of Julian Ellerby to the borough’s new director of stra...
Bill Cullen has been named chief executive of Hinckley & Bosworth BC.
The think-tank Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) has appointed Stuart MacDonald as its ...
Corporate director of North Yorkshire CC, Richard Webb, has described the council’s new trio of s...
Doug Wilkinson will join Maldon DC as chief executive next month.
Surrey CC has scrapped plans to hold a referendum on whether to increase council tax by 15%.
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Together we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
Together, we’re the moment makers Apply for this job
You will lead and direct the council wide management of transformational workforce changes. Apply for this job