A quarter of local government jobs have been cut since 2010, new data from trade union Unison has...
A blueprint for joint working between councils is to be published by the Welsh Government.
A row between councils and supermarkets over business rates charged on cash machines could be tie...
A think-tank has called for a redistribution of public investment from London to England’s poorer...
The Local Government Association (LGA) has made a fresh call for ministers to tackle business rat...
Council tax debtors in Wales will no longer be at risk of imprisonment as part of a new initiativ...
A new legal duty to support a multi-agency approach to preventing and tackling serious violence c...
The Welsh Government is stepping into the long-running dispute over senior council officers’ pay ...
Scottish and Welsh ministers say they are still ignored by Westminster despite 20 years of devolu...
The steepest climb in council tax in 15 years in Wales will take place in 2019/20, the Chartered ...
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In this role, you will lead the continuous improvement of management practices. Apply for this job
Premium jobAre you an experienced leader with a passion for traffic management and road safety? Apply for this job
Premium jobWe are proud of the track record that South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (SYPA) has achieved over a long period. Apply for this job