LG Challenge 3: The Greener Future challenge at Cherwell DC

By Frankie Stott | 04 May 2023

Round three of the Local Government Challenge hosted by Cherwell DC asked contestants to design a...


Space: the final frontier

By Ian Miller | 02 May 2023

Ian Miller wonders why there is such a rush with the Government's revised national Air Quality St...


EXCLUSIVE: Councils in dark over new funding stream

By Dan Peters | 18 April 2023

More financial uncertainty is being piled onto councils over the distribution of a fresh funding ...


Building back local trust

By Tom Forth | 18 April 2023

In the current climate of low turnouts in local elections, Tom Forth considers how councils could...


EXCLUSIVE: 'It's time for a new Audit Commission'

By EXCLUSIVE by Dan Peters | 12 April 2023

An ex-senior mandarin has today called for a new Audit Commission as The MJ reveals the draft met...


Perfect partners

12 April 2023

Get your coat, Brentwood BC, you’ve pulled!


A watchdog's role is to catch councils before they fail

By Heather Jameson | 12 April 2023

Oflog is not the Audit Commission, says Heather Jameson. 'The question is not whether we are tryi...


Breast foot forward

07 March 2023

Once a year, Diary is inundated with councils taking part in Wear it Pink.


Thinking the unthinkable

By Justin Galliford | 01 March 2023

Chief executive officer of Norse Group Justin Galliford comments on how local authorities are now...


Under the volcano

By Will Mapplebeck | 21 February 2023

Will Mapplebeck joined the Japan Local Government Centre’s Japan Study Tour to look at how local ...


Legal Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

£52,381 - £54,523 per annum (pay award pending)

Mansfield District Council is offering an exciting opportunity for an experienced Lawyer. Apply for this job

Mansfield District Council

Assistant Director of Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement

£63,391 - £70,094 per annum (pay award pending)

Our corporate vision is to be a dynamic, self sufficient and flexible Council that delivers excellent services Apply for this job

Bolsover District Council

Director of Culture, Leisure, and Tourism

£101,916 & benefits

Southend-on-Sea is a place like no other. Apply for this job

Southend-on-Sea City Council


Legal Services Manager & Deputy Monitoring Officer

£52,381 - £54,523 per annum (pay award pending)

Mansfield District Council is offering an exciting opportunity for an experienced Lawyer. Apply for this job

Mansfield District Council

Assistant Director of Streetscene, Community Safety and Enforcement

£63,391 - £70,094 per annum (pay award pending)

Our corporate vision is to be a dynamic, self sufficient and flexible Council that delivers excellent services Apply for this job

Bolsover District Council

Director of Culture, Leisure, and Tourism

£101,916 & benefits

Southend-on-Sea is a place like no other. Apply for this job

Southend-on-Sea City Council