Think tank urges municipal renewal

The Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) has called on political parties to help rebuild trust in local democracy.

The Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) has called on political parties to help rebuild trust in local democracy.

The think-tank has published a new report, Municipal Futures, which calls for firm commitments in the general election manifestos next year to show how the main parties will devolve power.

The report predicts councils of the future will focus more on building relationships and have a global perspective.
‘We urgently need to address voter apathy and this sense of disenfranchisement, said LGiU chief executive, Jonathan Carr-West.
‘To do this, we must embolden local citizens and reinvigorate local communities. We are calling on Westminster parties to reflect this in their 2015 manifestos.'


If political parties were to make three 'golden promises' in their election manifesto, where the breach of these specific promises would force a general election within two months, then people would be more inclined to believe them and there would be some level of accountability.

Also, if voters were allowed to vote for more than one party (such as with approval voting) then we would not feel forced to vote for parties based on their likelihood of succeeding, and could vote for all parties that we agree with. This would certainly help boost voting now that the biggest three parties are seen as having little in common with people and it would also help keep the hatemonger parties out by allowing people to vote for everyone else at the same time.

Robert Thornton-Kaye, Customer Service Advisor, Lincolnshire County Council


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