Translating a successful bid into a successful project

After months waiting in anticipation, we are finally in the thick of the application window for the third wave of the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund (formerly the SHDF).

© sommart sombutwanitkul /

© sommart sombutwanitkul /

This scheme has been instrumental in combatting fuel poverty and climate change in tandem and if we are to maximise success moving forward, it would be prudent to reflect on what works best, and the pitfalls to avoid.

Previous waves have taught us that a successful bid does not necessarily equate to a successful project, with several failing to get off the ground or deliver the desired outputs.

Having supported our clients to successfully secure and deliver £235m from the Warm Homes:Social Housing Fund (WH:SHF) predecessor, we have outlined our fool proof check list for all round success:

1. Assembling the A team

As a client, you are not expected to be an expert in PAS2035, but due diligence on your wider project team's expertise is imperative to ensure you get the best retrofit assessment, coordination and design services.

2. The bigger picture

Energy efficiency/retrofit works should not be seen as isolated workstreams. There is inevitable overlap between planned investment and WH:SHF, and collectively we need to start seeing retrofit work as business-as-usual, featuring in all planned investment strategies. We are encouraging clients to think bigger and look ahead at their planned investment strategies and how funded projects can complement decisions around wider long-term investment budgets, rather than drive less inspiring and low-impact isolated retrofit-only projects.

3. Data…validation, validation, validation!

Many organisations have been in a very difficult position, where only after they have been awarded, their retrofit assessment results show existing energy performance certificate (EPC) data and required measures to get to EPC C standard are completely wrong. This has a knock-on effect on budget, programme and overall deliverability of the project. We highly recommend starting to validate your data ahead of the bid submission – ensuring you are confident that the data is accurate for accurate pricing and programming.

4. Residents on board

All residents would like to save money on their bills but are there other benefits that really matter to residents that we should be focusing on? The more information clients have ahead of time on their residents, the easier it will be for residents to get on board. It is also incredibly important to bring the resident along on the journey, with ‘meet the contractor' days, void ‘show-home' pilot properties and product roadshows.

Alice Monty is Head of Retrofit Technical Solutions at Equans UK & Ireland


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