Opening up the audit market

05 July 2011

Audit Commission’s work should be opened up to a whole range of new providers, says Andy Mahon.


Just how local can you get?

05 July 2011

With town and parish councils keen to play a more important role, Ceri Harrison explains how Ches...


Sporting opportunities

By Stephen Cirell | 05 July 2011

Local authorities should develop innovative renewable energy schemes for playing fields and sport...


The 'Big Easy'

05 July 2011

Barnet has now developed a set of practical tools to make a local reality of the Big Society, say...


What ministers really mean in the Localism Bill

By Mark Fletcher | 30 June 2011

If ministers were being honest what would a Localism Bill really look like? Mark Fletcher imagine...


Facing up to the pensions challenge

By Bob Neill | 30 June 2011

Reform of the local government pension scheme is essential and overdue, but it also has to be bot...

What next for community budgets?

By Heather Jameson | 29 June 2011

Decentralisation minister, Greg Clark,joined chief executives for an exclusive roundtable discuss...


Inside View: Keeping a lid on it

By Mark Conrad | 29 June 2011

Mark Conrad looks at how there is little escape for the public sector from the glare of public sc...


Shock of the new

By Dermott Calpin | 29 June 2011

Cost, cuts and the future of audit along with a planned radical overhaul of public services all f...


Waste not, want not

By Dermott Calpin | 22 June 2011

Councils will not be forced to make weekly bin collections, but ministers do want more recycling ...


Strategy Manager (Economic Growth and Visitor Economy)

£49,764 - £51,802 per annum

Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job

Newark & Sherwood District Council

Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich


Strategy Manager (Economic Growth and Visitor Economy)

£49,764 - £51,802 per annum

Premium jobYou will be one of two senior leads reporting to the Business Manager of the Economic Growth and Visitor Economy service of the Council Apply for this job

Newark & Sherwood District Council

Deputy Lead / Team Manager Occupational Therapy

£61,980 - £65,478

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is committed to delivering high-quality social care services to our diverse community. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Change & Improvement Manager

£61,980 - £65,478

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Change & Improvement Team on a two-year fixed-term contract. Apply for this job

Royal Borough of Greenwich