Take vital infrastructure decisions at arm's length, urges Olympics guru

Experts back Olympic Delivery boss' call for independent body to set national infrastructure priorities.

Experts have given strong backing a Labour Party report which urges agreement on strategic national infrastructure priorities should be taken at arm's length from politicians.

A study issued today by Olympic Delivery Authority chairman Sir John Armitt claims major infrastructure projects for energy generation, airport capacity, road and rail schemes and water projects are blighted by planning problems and short-term political expediency.

Sir John's report calls for the creation of a National Infrastructure Commission, overseen by the government and opposition parties, to agree on long-term infrastructure needs and oversee their implementation.

Nick Baveystock, director general for the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Director General, said: ‘The clash between the need for long term strategic infrastructure planning and the nature of short term political cycles has for too long been a hindrance to delivering the infrastructure we need, when it is needed and at price we can afford. 

He said Sir John's call for an independent commission responsible for identifying the best options for meeting the priorities approved by parliament, at arm's length from government, has long been championed by ICE.

‘The Commission is not however a magic bullet - a web of other organisations, rules and established practices affect how our infrastructure is developed and further reforms will be needed,' Mr Baveystock added. 

Sir John Armitt, a former chief executive of both Network Rail and its successor Railtrack, warned that governments are not taking action to prepare the country for an officially forecast 10 million growth in population over the next two decades.

‘We have the Victorian pioneers to thank for the infrastructure that has underpinned the quality of life for our generation,' Sir John said.

‘It is up to us to lay the ground for the next pioneers who will create the innovative systems and services that will sere future generations,' he added.

Jonathan Werran

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