Wales and Cornwall strengthen ties in new agreement

The Welsh Government and Cornwall Council have formed a ‘strategic alliance’ to strengthen their historical, cultural and linguistic ties.

The Welsh Government and Cornwall Council have formed a ‘strategic alliance' to strengthen their historical, cultural and linguistic ties.

First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford and Cornwall Council leader Linda Taylor signed the agreement, which details a five-year action plan, in Cardiff yesterday.

The agreement focuses on sustainable housing, achieving net zero, thriving rural economies, and celebrating culture and language.

Mr Drakeford said: ‘We share many historical, cultural and linguistic ties with Cornwall, and our economies, landscape and our people have many shared characteristics.

‘These commonalities enable us to learn from each other in areas that affect our populations.'

Welsh Government officials and Cornwall Council officers will meet online four times a year to share information and best practice, and will produce an annual report.

Cllr Taylor said: ‘To be able to share our knowledge with each other is good news for us all.

'It is also great for us from a cultural perspective too.

‘I am looking forward to sharing the ways in which we both celebrate our rich and ancient culture.'


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