Welsh government seeks to abolish Right to Buy

The Welsh Government has introduced legislation aimed at abolishing Right to Buy to protect the nation’s stock of social housing.

The Welsh Government has introduced legislation aimed at abolishing Right to Buy to protect the nation's stock of social housing.

It hopes the new law, which was introduced to the National Assembly today, will ensure people are able to access ‘safe, secure and affordable housing'.

The law is also intended to encourage local authorities to build more council housing by reassuring them new developments will not be sold off after a short period.

If passed, the new law will require Right to Buy to be abolished one year after receiving Royal Assent.

‘Our social housing is a valuable resource, but it is under considerable pressure,' said communities secretary Carl Sargeant.

‘The size of the stock has declined significantly since 1980 when the Right to Buy was introduced. 

‘This has resulted in people in housing need, many of whom are vulnerable, waiting longer to access a home they can afford.

‘Abolishing the Right to Buy will complement other actions we are taking to support people in housing need.'



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