White van man on... flying the flag

Some geezer politician no one’s ever heard of called Jedward thinks all councils should fly the Union Jack off their town halls. It’s a bit late.

Some geezer politician no one's ever heard of called Jedward thinks all councils should fly the Union Jack off their town halls. It's a bit late. Hasn't anyone told this guy that most town halls are empty since the pen-pushers are ‘working from home' and the only occupants are the jobsworth porters telling you to fill out your inside leg measurements before you take one step onto their thick pile carpets.

The only flag the town halls need to fly is one that says ‘For sale' since the councils are flogging them off 'cos they reckon their staff have got so used to sitting in deckchairs at home they'll never come back however many times they're offered free coffee, biscuits and a parking space plus pilates twice a week to ease their aching backs from sitting around all day.


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