White Van Man on... modern care

It’s great all this technology which means our old folk can potter about at home with just Alexa for company and at a touch of a button get their blood pressure read, pillows plumped up, heartrate given the all clear and kettle bubbling and ready for a nice cuppa.

It's great all this technology which means our old folk can potter about at home with just Alexa for company and at a touch of a button get their blood pressure read, pillows plumped up, heartrate given the all clear and kettle bubbling and ready for a nice cuppa.

If the old dears ever need a GP all they need do is get Alexa to give the surgery a bell on the dog and bone and hey presto there's the GP online ready to sort them out, thereby saving us squillions not having these old folk hogging hospital beds which by rights are for the likes of us with real ailments.


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