White van man on... voting

It’s damn obvious to me that the Government doesn’t want us to vote. I mean, it’s not exactly a lovely experience trekking down to some draughty church hall to be met by a frosty jobsworth who runs a ruler over a list of names like you’re turning up for the first day at school.

It's damn obvious to me that the Government doesn't want us to vote. I mean, it's not exactly a lovely experience trekking down to some draughty church hall to be met by a frosty jobsworth who runs a ruler over a list of names like you're turning up for the first day at school.

You go into a booth made out of cardboard which is supposedly private even though if you cough loudly it's likely to blow the walls apart, grab a pencil riddled with COVID and put a cross against some geezer you've never heard of.


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