Whitehall announces panel to investigate slow rate of housebuilding

The Government has unveiled the panel of experts who will review the gap between the number of planning permissions being granted and the houses being built in areas of high demand.

The Government has unveiled the panel of experts who will review the gap between the number of planning permissions being granted and the houses being built in areas of high demand.

Its review was originally announced at the Autumn Budget as part of Whitehall's attempt to speed up the rate of development to alleviate the housing crisis.

The review will seek to identify the main causes of the gap between the number of planning applications granted and the number of homes completed, and will make recommendations on practical steps to increase the speed of build out.

It will be chaired by Sir Oliver Letwin and will include Labour peer Lord John Hutton.

Sir Oliver said: ‘This government is serious about finding ways to increase the speed of build out as well as tackling the complicated issues surrounding it.

‘That's why we have set up this diverse panel to help me test my analysis and to make practical, non-partisan recommendations, as we look to increase housing supply that's consistent with a stable UK housing market.'

Housing secretary Sajid Javid added: ‘We are determined to build the homes this country needs.

‘This review is vital to helping us understand how we can build more homes quickly.

‘All parties have a role to play in closing the gap and I look forward to receiving Sir Oliver's findings.'


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