Yates lands Bristol's new top role

Former Hull City chief executive Nicola Yates poised to take a new top post as city director for Bristol City Council.

Former Hull City and North Shropshire DC chief executive Nicola Yates is poised to take a new top post as city director for Bristol City Council.

Bristol Mayor George Ferguson, together with a panel of the group leaders of the city's Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties, have proposed Ms Yates for the position - which replaces the former chief executive role.

Subject to confirmation at a vote of the annual Council on 21 May, as city director Ms Yates, 53, will take home a £160,000 salary package for delivering the mayor and council's vision.

‘We had an extremely impressive field from across the private and public sector, and I am delighted that we were unanimous in our choice,' said Bristol Mayor George Ferguson.

‘Nicola was the best of the best, and will prove a strong, inspirational and motivational leader for our organisation through some very tough years.

‘I'm greatly looking forward to working with Nicola to help sharpen up and deliver my ambitions for Bristol to enable us to buck the trend and emerge fastest from the recession,' Mayor Ferguson added.

Nicola Yates said: ‘The city has ambitious plans and a shared vision to become a leading city in Europe and beyond.  I feel privileged to be able to work with the Mayor and others to deliver these for the benefit of the people of Bristol.'

Jonathan Werran

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