You & Yours

As we put out on Twitter early this morning, today’s You & Yours on Radio 4 is on the Localism Bill. Below is the blurb from their website – they’ve got loads of questions they want answering, so lots of opportunity to get involved.

Call You and Yours with Julian Worricker. The Localism Bill is well on its way to becoming law but does anyone really know what it is? It appears to be about devolving more power to local communities and giving them the chance to organise everything from their allotments to running local schools. While some people welcome it others see it as way of taking power away from local councils. So who would benefit people or should the system be left as it is with the state having more control? How will these plans be financed? Some fear it could lead to controversial decisions involving areas like planning. So are you in favour of the proposals? Would you use them? How would you use them? How will it be implemented long term?
An opportunity to contribute your views to the programme. Email or call 03700 100 444 (lines open at 10am)


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