It's time to get serious about digital

Where can we find the right talent to lead ambitious digital transformation in local government? Matt Cockbill explains.

Digital transformation remains one of the biggest challenges facing the UK's local authorities. On a national level, the Government Digital Service has created huge strides forwards in delivering a culture shift, as well as digital delivery, but there is still work to be done to realise the benefits of digital transformation at a regional level.

As councils shift to self-funding entities it is imperative to act now to understand, implement and uphold effective digital delivery. This has to start with effective leadership that can conceive a digital vision for enhanced resident services seamlessly interlaced with other parts of public service. From data exploitation to driving ongoing commercial agility, the skills needed within local government are changing, so too are the sectors where this talent can be found.

Early digital adopters have typically been in nimble, fast-paced sectors such as media and retail. Government can rarely pivot so quickly. Digital transformation can only be successfully delivered by those who can drive effective stakeholder engagement in every part of the delivery cycle – from strategy through to change delivery. To be effective, digital must be owned by the chief executive and the board, but there must be a fulcrum for delivery. Be it chief digital officer, or head of digital, the role draws upon IT, customer experience, change and transformation as well as clear operational insight. It is a truly multifaceted position, leading a local authority in its management of ubiquitous data, digital process and IT infrastructure.

Alongside technical knowledge, it's critical that the individual has strong influencing and interpersonal skills to ensure both their board-level colleagues and the wider workforce buy in to the transformation. They must be nimble in their decision-making, but agile in digital delivery – ensuring regulatory compliance, process improvement and demonstrate leadership in engaging key stakeholders.

So where can you find such a candidate?

The indigenous digital transformation talent pool in local government is less mature and as such smaller than in other sectors. So, seeking leaders from alternate sectors is critical. Industry can rarely match the scale and complexity of the public sector, so a background of wielding digital enabled business change in complex stakeholder environments is essential. Case in point is Martyn Wallace, CDO of a collection of councils in Scotland, who's applying his history in the private sector with the likes of Capita and Telfonica O2 to make local authorities north of the border more digital-centric. 

Of course, any candidate transitioning between sectors must do so carefully and consciously. Acquiring fresh talent from new markets can offer fresh perspectives to a local government role, and be the catalyst to a change process, but the individual must have the interpersonal skills to adapt. Digital skills have a premium in the present market. The private sector is broadly ahead of the public sector in terms of digital adoption, but remains a competitive environment for such talent.

It can be a challenge to persuade ideally suited private sector candidates to move to the public sector due to financial constraints, but it's not unachievable. Money is not always the main driver for the right individual. Overseeing a digital change that will directly affect the lives of a city or county is an enticing prospect, and a challenge to be accepted. It's usually a once-in-a-generation opportunity that will achieve long term returns, enabling the candidate to foster a real sense of worth within their community.

Being creative is key. Individuals that have achieved their financial goals and are on the hunt for increased job satisfaction are prime targets. Conversely, younger millennial candidates that want to make their mark will see working at local government level as an opportunity to shape a project on a much larger scale than in the private sector. While they may not offer an extensive background in industry, they bring fresh perspectives on user experience and digital adoption that Gen X and Y simply don't have. It is something worth exploring in this new public sector landscape.

The choice of a candidate should of course be treated on their particular merits, as this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. However, wherever the right candidate is currently situated – the digital world is forever moving forward and the approach to sourcing such talent must mirror this progression.

Matt Cockbill is a partner leading the IT and digital leadership practice at Berwick Partners


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