Author Profile

Dr Andrew Larner

Dr Andrew Larner

Articles by Dr Andrew Larner

Children's reform: why doing nothing is no longer an option

By Dr Andrew Larner | 04 April 2023

The CareCubed children’s module means that councils can take a ‘snapshot’ of the local market to ...

iESE launches the Cyber Centre of Excellence

By Dr Andrew Larner | 25 January 2023

iESE believes the creation of the Cyber Centre of Excellence will help drive forward major advanc...

Rethinking case management for better lives in social services

By Dr Andrew Larner | 02 March 2022

With the assistance of councils iESE is building a platform that joins up all involved and puts t...

Using digital services to provide the 'human touch'

By Dr Andrew Larner | 11 January 2022

As we enter a new year, still under the shadow of the pandemic, we are all seeking new ways to se...

What to do when best practice still loses you £6.4m?

By Dr Andrew Larner | 07 December 2021

The threat to councils from cyber attacks, rather like coronavirus, is endemic and we need to lea...

Celebrating the past, learning from the present and driving to the future

By Dr Andrew Larner | 10 August 2021

The iESE Conference will celebrate the herculean efforts of the pandemic response but also share ...

Designing the future of care systems

By Dr Andrew Larner | 13 July 2021

During the pandemic we have all learned that working online is more than just moving the existing...

Reflection on the year gone for iESE and the challenges ahead

By Dr Andrew Larner | 07 June 2021

Chief executive of iESE Dr Andrew Larner looks back on an unusual year, and highlights the creati...

Redesigning coaching and mentoring for the digital age

By Dr Andrew Larner | 28 April 2021

iESE, as a part of its pro bono sector support role, is developing Alchemy, a new resource that s...

Alchemy – leadership in the pandemic age?

By Dr Andrew Larner | 10 February 2021

During the pandemic leadership has been tested across every sector in so many different ways, say...